Sunday, January 21, 2018

Invisible Sound

Curious George: (hooting) (yawns) (sighs)

Narrator: One thing George liked about Lake Wannasink Lake was that he never felt alone. (frog croaking)

One thing
George liked that he never felt alone at Lake Wannasink (조지는 혼자처럼 느껴지지 않아서 워나싱크 호수를 좋아했다) 와 같은 의미이지만 "워나싱크 호수에 대해 좋아했던 것 한가지는 바로 혼자처럼 느껴지지 않아서이다" 라는 표현입니다. 주어를 길게 늘려서 도대체 그 한가지가 뭘까? 라는 청자의 흥미 및 관심을 일으킬 수 있죠. 응용해 볼 만한 표현입니다.

Narrator: Even when he couldn't see other animals, he could tell they were out there. (bird honking)

여기서 even 은 부사로써 관계대명사절을 꾸미고 있습니다. Even 은 관계대명사와 같이 쓰여 even when ~할 때에도 even if ~일 지라도 등으로 자주 쓰입니다. 그렇다면 Even he could do it 은 무슨 의미일까요? 여기서 even 은 주어 he 를 꾸미고 있습니다.

Curious George: (hooting) Oh. (wings flapping)

Curious George: (chattering) (chattering)

Man with the Yellow Hat: George, hi, how about a hand?

손은 여기서 일손을 의미합니다. 따라서 도움을 요청할 때 Can you give me a hand? 라고 말할 수 있죠. 여기선 더 간접적으로 "도움 좀 어때?" 라고 묻고 있네요. How about ~ 은 뭔가를 제안할 때 많이 쓰는 표현입니다.

Curious George: (agreeable chattering)

Man with the Yellow Hat: Yeah, I'm preparing an exhibit on local wildlife for the Town Nature Society, and the baby alligator lizard I was studying just disappeared.

preparing for
preparing something for something 이라는 표현을 무언가를 위해 무엇을 준비하다는 의미이지만, 한국어에서는 특별히 무엇을 챙기거나 하지 않고 단지 마음의 준비를 할 때도 준비라는 표현을 사용하기 때문에, 영어의 prepare를 남용하는 경우가 많습니다. 특별한 사전 행동이나 장비 등을 챙길 때는 prepare 를 쓰면 되지만 그 외의 경우에는 ready 라는 표현을 사용합니다. 예를 들어, 단순히 너 나갈 준비 됐니? 라고 물을 때는 Are you ready to go? 라고 하면 됩니다.

Curious George: (chattering) Ooh. Aha!

Man with the Yellow Hat: Oh, Thanks! Have fun at the lake?

여기서 왜 동사의 원형으로 문장을 시작했을 까요? 의문문에서 조동사와 주어가 생략된 표현입니다. 의문문에서 조동사는 시제를 알려주는 역할도 하는데, 여기서 어떤 시제일지 추측해 보시기 바랍니다.

Curious George: (chattering) (imitates frog and bird) (chattering)

Man with the Yellow Hat: Wow! You saw all those animals?

You saw
이 표현도 마찬가지로 평서문을 사용했는데, 이 때는 실제로 봤는지 궁금해서 묻는게 아니라, 봤는지를 확인하고 있습니다. 실제로 봤는지 여부가 궁금할 때는 Did you see all those animals? 라고 묻는게 더 자연스럽습니다.

Curious George: Uh-uh.

Man with the Yellow Hat: (off-screen) You only heard them?

You only heard them?
반복하여 평서문의 형태로 의문문을 만들고 있죠. 단순히 문맥상이 아니라 문장의 형태로 물어보는지 혹은 확인하는지 알 수 있습니다.

Curious George: Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.

Man with the Yellow Hat: Hey! Animal sounds would be great in the exhibit. You want to help me again?

Curious George: (chattering) (chattering)

Man with the Yellow Hat: Okay, just point the microphone toward the sound till you hear it nice and loud in the headphones, then push this red button to record it. Remember, the closer you are to an animal, the louder it gets. But don't get too close. (frog croaking)

the closer the louder
비교급을 이용한 표현이죠. 이 때 반드시 정관사 the 를 비교급 앞에 붙여서 "the 비교급 + 주어 + 동사, the 비교급 + 주어 + 동사." 로 문장을 구성합니다. 예: the more you sleep, the younger you look! (더 많이 잘 수록 더 어려보인다.)

Narrator: This was simple for a smart monkey. (croaking grows louder)

Narrator: All he had to do was follow the sound as it got louder and… (loud croak)

Curious George: (gasps) (yelling) (chattering) (frog croaking) (tapping)

Narrator: He tracked one woodpecker and thought he heard a second one. (tapping)

Narrator: But maybe sounds aren't as simple as they sound. (Jumpy Squirrel uses an acorn tapping) (buzzing) (buzzing)

as simple as
as ~ as 는 as soon as possible 과 같이 간단히 부사형태로도 사용되지만, as ~ as + 주어 + 동사 의 형태로 많이 쓰입니다. 예: you can eat chicken as soon as you finish this soup.

Curious George: (chattering) (Mr. Quint blows his nose)

Curious George: Ah. (chattering)

Narrator: George was collecting pictures of all the sounds he had heard outside.

Curious George: (chattering) (cricket chirping)

Narrator: Then he heard a new one inside.

new one
여기서 new one은 이때까지와는 다른 소리를 의미합니다. 보통 한국말로는 이런 경우 "다른 소리를 들었다"가 "새로운 소리를 들었다" 보다 자연스럽죠. 이렇게 영어에서 "new"는 한국어의 "새로운" 이라는 표현보다 조금 더 폭 넓게 활용됩니다. 참고로, 신상품은 a new product, 뜯거나 사용하지 않은 새제품은 a brand new product 라고 하는 것도 알아두시면 좋습니다.

Curious George: Huh?

Narrator: George knew how to track a sound, but this was different. It got louder… (chirping stops)

Narrator: ...then went silent.

Curious George: (chattering)

Narrator: Then it was far away again. This called for a second opinion.

second opinion
많이 쓰는 관용어구 인데, 두번째 의견이란 이미 의견을 낸 사람이나 모임이 새로운 의견을 내는 것이 아니라, 그 외의 다른 사람에게 묻는 의견을 의미합니다.

Man with the Yellow Hat: 151, 152... Wait...

Curious George: (chattering)

Man with the Yellow Hat: Hi, George. Can you wait till I'm done with the moth census?

be done with
"~를 마치다" 할 때 finish 나 complete 도 물론 사용할 수 있지만, 그냥 일상생활에서는 "다 먹으면 갈께~" 하지 "먹던 거 끝 마치면 갈께~" 하지 않죠. 이러한 표현을 영어로는 "I'll leave when I'm done with this." 라고 친근하게 말할 수 있습니다.

Curious George: (excited chattering)

Man with the Yellow Hat: Okay, I'm coming.

Curious George: Ah-ah! (hooting) (beeping)

Man with the Yellow Hat: Oh, that's just the smoke detector, George. It needs a new battery.

new에 대해서 앞에서 잠깐 알아봤는데요. 기본적으로 new는 old의 반대입니다. 여기서 화재감지기에 이미 들어 있던 battery 는 자연스럽게 old battery 가 되고, 상대적으로 a new battery 가 필요하다고 했습니다. 만약 어떤 이유로 한번도 안쓴 배터리가 필요하다면, "It needs a brand new battery." 라고 하면 더 좋은 표현이 되겠죠.

Curious George: Oh.

Narrator: George wasn't sure this was the same sound he'd heard before… (beeping stops)

Curious George: Oh. Whew!

Man with the Yellow Hat: And now... back to my moths. (cricket chirping)

Curious George: (chattering) Huh? Aha!

Narrator: There it was again-- and it didn't come from the smoke detector.

Curious George: Aha. Ooh. (chattering)

Narrator: That thing was here somewhere and he knew he could find it.

Curious George: (laughing) (groans) (chattering)

Narrator: Of course! It must have gone out the window.

많은 한국어 사용자들이 out은 한국어의 "밖"과 대응되는 의미로 생각합니다. 하지만 out은 부사나 형용사 뿐만 아니라 전치사로도 활용되는 단어이며, 여기서 out the window는 마치 "through the window" (창을 통해서) 라는 표현에서의 through와 마찬가지로 전치사로 활용되었습니다. 뜻을 이해하기는 어렵지 않지만, 말을 할때 활용하기가 어려운 표현이죠. 참고로, out the window는 "관심의 대상이 아니다"는 관용어구로도 사용됩니다.

Curious George: Uh-huh? (groans) (hooting)

Narrator: It was loud. It was soft. It was here. It was gone. (chirping)

Curious George: Ah... (hooting) (chattering) Ah! Ooh. (echoing chirps)

Narrator: Only one room had an echo like that.

Curious George: Aha! (chirping)

Curious George: (chattering) Hmm. (chirping)

Curious George: Aha! (hooting) (chirping)

Narrator: He thought he had it, but all he found was a tiny insect that couldn't possibly make such a big sound.

Curious George: Ooh. Huh? Hmm.

Narrator: Outside, the Man with the Yellow Hat and green night-vision goggles was having his own problems with elusive creatures...

Man with the Yellow Hat: Let's see, where are those rascals? (raccoons chittering)

Curious George: (chattering)

Man with the Yellow Hat: I'm trying to study the nocturnal feeding habits of raccoons, but I can't find any around here.

Curious George: (excited chattering) (cricket chirping)

Curious George: Ah. (hooting)

Man with the Yellow Hat: Oh, that's a nice recording of a cricket. Was it one of these?

Curious George: (hooting)

Man with the Yellow Hat: You know, hundreds of crickets chirping together can make a soothing, peaceful sound...

Curious George: Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.

Man with the Yellow Hat: ...but one little cricket in a quiet house can drive you bananas. Is there one in our house?

nuts 와 함께 crazy 대신 쓸 수 있는 말로 bananas가 있습니다. 좀 더 익살스러운 표현이죠.

Curious George: Oh. (chattering)

Man with the Yellow Hat: Well, he probably wants to get out and go home. Here, uh, catch him and free him outside. And here's a tip, George: crickets are attracted to light.

Curious George: (gasps) (chattering)

Narrator: Now that the mystery was solved and George knew what he was looking for, this was gonna be easy. (cricket chirping)

Curious George: Huh? (excited chattering) (chattering) (chattering)

Narrator: George was already smarter than a cricket and he knew how to be faster.

Curious George: (chattering) Whoa! (groans) Ah. (cricket chirping)

Curious George: Uh-huh? (hooting) Aha! (cricket chirping)

Curious George: (chattering) (chattering) (cricket chirping)

Curious George: (chattering) (cricket chirping)

Curious George: Whoa! (cricket chirping)

Curious George: (chattering) Huh? Huh? (chattering)

Narrator: Then, a strange new sound. (thumping)

Curious George: Aha!

Narrator: And then, George set the cricket free to happily hop back to his cricket home. (cricket chirping)

Curious George: (chattering) (cricket chirping)

Man with the Yellow Hat: Did you free that cricket?

Curious George: Whoo-hah!

Man with the Yellow Hat: Good work! I am sure that's one happy cricket.

Curious George: (chattering)

Man with the Yellow Hat: Okay... Um, that cricket left us some clean-up work, don't you think, George?

Curious George: (chattering)

Man with the Yellow Hat: Whew! All done. (chuckles) (yawning) Sleep tight, George.

Curious George: (chattering) (cricket begins chirping, George begins wailing)

Man with the Yellow Hat: Oh... Are you sure you put it outside?

Curious George: (chattering)

Man with the Yellow Hat: You know, George, if we don't catch that cricket, we'll never get any sleep. (cricket chirping) (cricket chirping, objects crashing) (cricket chirping)

Curious George: (groans)

Man with the Yellow Hat: I've got it!