Monday, June 5, 2017

Meets Allie-Whoops


Captioning sponsored by Nbc/universal narrator: There's nothing like spending a long weekend in the country with some of your closest inflatable friends.



I'm not sure you needed all those pool toys, George.

영어는 시제에 따라 뜻이 크게 달라집니다. 따라서, 시제에 대해서는 조금 더 신경 써 주셔야 합니다. 여기서 "그 장난감 전부가 정말로 필요했었는지 모르겠다" 라는 표현인데, 이미 일어난 일에 대한 탄식 정도로 생각하면 됩니다. 현재 시제 "need" 를 사용하면 지금이라도 장난감 몇개를 포기하는게 어떻겠냐는 제안의 의미로 받아들여질 수 있습니다.
all those toys
여기서는 all 이 장난감의 숫자를 정해 주고 있고, those는 물건의 위치를 정해주기 위해 쓰였습니다. all toys 는 세상의 모든 장난감을, those toys 라고 하면 보통 대화 당사자 사이에서 인식이 가능한 장난감을 가르킵니다. (물론 손으로 가르키면서 보이는 것 중의 일부로 한정할 수도 있습니다.) 여기서 all those toys는 대화 당사자 사이에서 인식이 가능한 모든 장난감을 의미하겠죠.

(sighs) (chattering) It'll be dark soon.

It'll be dark
"어두워 질꺼다"라는 뜻인데, 날씨나 시간, 거리 등을 표현할 때 it을 주어로 사용한다는 점 기억해 두세요. e.g. It takes 25 minutes to get there. (거기 가는데 25분 걸린다) It's 25 miles away. (25마일 떨어져 있다)

Do you want to go say hi to everyone while I...

say hi
say hello/hi 는 "인사를 하다" 내지는 "안부를 묻다" 라는 뜻으로 일상생활에서 아주 자주 쓰입니다. e.g. Tell him I said hi.

George... George?

(hooting) (laughs) Don't be too long.

be too long
"너무 오래 걸리다" 는 표현입니다. 여기서는 주어 없이 don't 과 함께 쓰여서 "너무 오래 걸리지 말아라"가 되죠.

(gasps) (chuckles) George had a lot of friends to say "howdy" to...

howdy는 인사말인데 미국에서는 주로 텍사스 지방 사투리로 봅니다.

(pigs squealing) ...the pigs...

Ah, oink, oink!

(pigs squealing) ...Mrs. Renkins...



Whoa there, George.

(sighs) You gave me a turn.

give ~ a turn
~를 놀라게 하다

...and of course the chickens.


(chickens clucking) Huh?

Did George just see a girl in there?

여기서는 "방금" 이라는 뜻으로 쓰였습니다.
in there
there 은 여기서 장소를 나타내는 부사이므로 전치사가 필요 없습니다. e.g. I went to Paris and stayed there for a week. (여기서는 there 는 in Paris 라는 뜻이겠죠.) 다만 구어에서는 종종 위치 관계를 강조하기 위해 전치사와 더불어 사용합니다.


Hi there.

여기서는 there이 장소를 나타내지 않고, 상대방의 관심을 끌기 위해 사용됬죠.

(gasping) (sighs) I have been sitting there for one whole hour and guess what?

have been
영어에서는 시제가 매우 중요합니다. 여기서 have + past participle (현재완료시제, present perfect tense) 를 써서 방금 전에 완료된 상황을 기술하고 있습니다. "I have been sitting there" 를 해석하면 "나 방금 전까지 거기 앉아 있었다" 가 됩니다.
guess what
앞뒤 문맥 없이도 "너 그거 알아?" 정도로 사용할 수 있습니다.

You want to guess?

You want to guess?

You'll never guess.

(laughs) I am really glad that I'm not a chicken.

So if you're thinking "I wonder what it's like to be a chicken," I can tell you.

It's not very interesting.

George had seen a lot of strange things in his day, but this was strange.

had seen
현재완료 시제로도 경험을 나타내고 있고, see 동사도 여기서 "보다" 보다는 "경험하다" 라는 의미가 더 자연스럽죠. George saw a lot of strange things in his day, but this was strange 라고 표현해도 무방합니다.
in one's day
when one was young 이라는 뜻입니다. e.g. In my day, there were a lot of paid phones on the street.

Well, I see you two have met.

여기서 see 는 "알아차리다" 로 해석해야 자연스럽습니다.

George, this is my granddaughter Allie.


(chattering politely) Oh, are you a monkey?

I like monkeys.

Do you want to play tomorrow?

(laughing): Yeah, uh-huh.

Allie's a spark plug, but if there's anyone who can keep up with her, it's you, George.

a spark plug
엔진의 점화 플러그라는 본래의 의미가 있고, 여기서는 일을 잘 벌이는 사람을 지칭합니다.
keep up with ~
"~를 쫓아가다" 내지는 "~를 따라가다" 정도의 의미 입니다.

B-Bye. Whoops.

Don't forget about tomorrow.

forget about
가장 기본적인 표현으로 about 없이 I forgot his name 하면 "그의 이름이 생각나지 않는다" 라는 표현이죠. 헌데 보통 사람을 목적어로 하면 I forgot about him 합니다. 예를 들어, Why didn't you invite Paul? 하면 I forgot about him 하고 대답할 수 있습니다. "그에 대해서 잊고 있었다" 라는 뜻이죠. 예외적인 경우로 헤어진 남자친구에 대해서 "그를 잊었다"라고 할 때 about 없이 I forgot him 할 수 있습니다. (그를 잊었다.)

(chatters enthusiastically) (hooting) Bright and early the very next morning...

여기서는 "바로" 라는 뜻으로 쓰였습니다. very 는 보통 부사로써 뒤따르는 형용사를 강조하고, 형용사에 따라 뜻이 달라집니다. Next가 "다음"이라면 very next는 "바로 다음" 이겠죠. 이외에도 those were his very words 에서 처럼 형용사로써 명사를 강조하기도 합니다. 여기서 his very words 라면 "정확히 그가 한 말" 정도로 해석할 수 있겠죠.

(sighs) (door creaks) ALLIE (whispering): Hiya, George.


That man with the yellow pants-- he said I could go see if you're awake.

go see
위에서 go say hi 에서도 나왔지만, go 에 이어 다른 동사의 원형이 바로 왔네요. I'll go to see if he's awake 라고 하면 "그가 깨었는지 보기 위해 가겠다" 라고 해석되고 "가겠다" 가 강조되죠. 반면에 I'll go see if he's awake 라고 하면 그가 깨었는지 "가보겠다" 정도가 됩니다. 현재 시제가 아닌 곳에서는 어색하지만 e.g. I went see if he's awake. (X) I'll go see if he's awake. 는 구어체로 자주 쓰입니다.

Are you awake?

(yawns) Uh-huh.


Oh, you were sleeping forever.

So, you know what I want to do today?

Monkey stuff!

~ stuff
어떤 것과 관련된 일을 통칭할 때 ~ stuff/thing 을 사용합니다. e.g. What are you doing today? (오늘 뭐해?) Well, I have school stuff. (나 학교일이 좀 있어.) 여기서 school stuff 는 숙제/수강신청/기타 등등 뭐든지 학교와 관련된 일이 될 수 있겠죠.

(imitates monkey hooting) Huh?


(hooting) Wait, don't monkeys go out the window?

여기서는 전치사가 go 동사와 함께 쓰여 "나가다" 라는 의미로 쓰였다기 보다는 window 앞에서 "창문을 통해서 밖으로" 라는 뜻으로 쓰였습니다. e.g. We ran out of milk. (우유가 다 떨어졌네.) He ran out the door (그는 문을 통해 밖으로 달렸다).

(door opens) Huh?

(grunts) (hooting excitedly) Ah, rats.

All that morning, George showed Allie "monkey stuff" like how to eat strawberries...

how to
how to 뒤에 동사가 와서, "~를 어떻게 하는지" 라는 뜻이 됩니다. e.g. how to start a fire (어떻게 불을 지피는지)


...with your feet...


(laughs) (imitates monkey hooting) (George and Allie shouting excitedly) to swing on a rope... to sound like a full percussion section in an orchestra...

발음에 유의하세요 2음절에 강세가 오면서 /ㅍ커션/ 정도로 소리 납니다. 같은 원리로 precaution 이란 단어도 2음절에 강세가 오므로 /ㅍ카ㅎ션/ 정도로 소리 납니다. 강세가 없는 pre/per 를 소리로 듣고 구분하기는 굉장히 어렵습니다.


(banging) ...and how to blow bubbles with an extra big monkey breath.

I'm going to the store.

Do you want anything, George?


Did you know that monkeys can blow bubbles longer than anybody?

(exhaling) That doesn't surprise me.

How about you, Allie?

You need anything from the store?

Oh, yes.

Um... a flying trapeze...

and a walkie-talkie, please.

Uh... I'll see what I can do.

Bye, everyone.

Be a good little monkey...

and girl.

(car starts) (animal chittering) Huh?

(gasps) Is that a squirrel?

Uh-huh, uh-huh.

I love squirrels.

(shrieks) Whoops.

Does he live in that tree?


Hey, let's go see.

Race you.

Hi there.

(shrieks) I found him, George.

(hooting excitedly) (squirrel chittering) I think this hole is his house.

Whoops, I can't see anything.

Do you have special see- in-the-dark monkey eyes?



We need a flashlight.

Oh, I know.

I have one in my room.

I'll go get it.


Except... how do I get down?



(giggling and hooting) Ta-da!

Yeah, only I can't really do that 'cause I'm not an actual monkey.

So how would a non-actual monkey get down from a tree?


(chattering) Okay.

Are you in there?

(straining) (calling out) George, it's kind of weird.

The squirrel won't answer me.

(grunting) (groans) (hooting) Okay, so ladder plus monkey wasn't tall enough.

What else could George use?

A balloon?




But then George remembered how he washed Mr. Glass' windows on the very tall building.


This was going to be easy.

All George had to do was find his life vest, tie a rope to the front, throw the rope over a branch, and bring Allie down.

Hey, George.

(chattering) Maybe he'll come out if I talk squirrel talk.

What do you think?

(chattering) Okay, here goes.

(high-pitched screeching echoes) (squirrel groans) (chattering) Okay.

(humming) Yah!

You missed, but don't you worry.

I can get it.

(chattering) (grunting) This is too small.

It looks monkey-sized.

(grunting) The rope was a good idea, but George needed to attach it to something that Allie could put on or...

...get on.

(chatters "Yeah!") (hooting excitedly) (grunting) (chortling) (cheering) (grunting, chattering) (chatters "Okay") Whoops, this raft is too flippy, George.

(groaning) Okay, let's think some more.

(chatters "Yeah!") George didn't have that many choices.

Only a too-short ladder, some pool toysanda rope.

Oh, a-ha!

What could be easier than holding on to a rope?!

(hooting happily) But we already tried the rope, George.


(chattering) Okay, now what, George?

(chattering, hooting) You want me to hold on while climbing down?

Uh-huh, uh-huh.


(George cheering) Whoops, I ran out of rope, George.

Hey, look what you did, George!

(chuckling) Whoo-hoo!


(giggling) Let's do it again!


(horn honking) Hey, it's Mr. Yellow Pants!

Did you get me the flying trapeze?


The store doesn't carry circus equipment for some reason.

But I found these!

Ooh, walkie-talkies!

I have to show my grandmother!

Bye-bye, I'll call you later.

Thank you! Thank you!

Thank you! Thank you!

(chuckling): You're welcome!

So, George, did you have a nice time with Allie?


That night, George couldn't wait for lights out.

Man: "And so the little mouse roared and the house fell down." (laughing) Good night, George.

Happy dreams.

(cooing) Allie: Allie calling George!

Allie calling George!

(hooting happily) Allie calling George, over.

(chattering gibberish) Ooh, it works!


(screaming): Yay!


(softly): Yay!

Okay, so I figured out how to make friends with that squirrel.

First, we grow a tree.

Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.

Then we take all the nuts...

Clearly, this was the start of a beautiful and curious friendship.

and we go hide...


and when the squirrel comes in to get the nuts, Uh-huh, uh-huh.

...and say, "Hi, squirrel!" You think that'll work?

Uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh.